Saturday, October 20, 2012

13. Blog - Culture, Beach and Adventures in Turkey

(9. September - 16. September 2012 - Istanbul, Turkey)

A week in Turkey with a lot of sight-seeing, new experiences and a few days at the beach...
No wonder that Sydney couldn't wait for this vacation. ;)

She was inside the "Blue Mosque" and the "Hagia Sophia", trying to turn her hand around in a full circle to make her biggest dream  ("Having more friends in the entire world") come true.

Afterwards she went shopping in one of Europe's biggest shopping malls, the "Istanbul Cevahir" and ceveral bazaars with cute little shops selling spices, jewelry and more. Sydney even paid a visit to a Sultan's palace.

A boat tour across the river Bosphorus was really intersting, as was visiting the old town of Troy.
 Another trip brought Sydney to the Akropolis and the ruin of the Zeus temple.

At the end of the week our favorite litlle doll enjoyed her time at the pool and the beach. :)

For more pictures please vistit Sydney's Facebook page. :)

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

12. Blog - One short day in Zurich

(3. October 2012 - Zurich, Switzerland)

A one-day-trip to Zurich was a really nice experience for Sydney.
Sadly she wasn't able to see much, but of course she took pictures.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

11. Blog - The Beauty of Scandinavia

(1. September - 9. September 2012 - Hirtshals, Denmark & Norway)

My classtrip started taking a ferry from Hirtshals, Denmark to Kristianssand, Norway, where we spent a week. Of course Sydney didn't want to miss the opportunity to see Scandinavia for the first time. Eventhough she was quite unhappy about the strong wind, that made her hair messy.
After reaching Norway, Sydney discovered her sporty side and went hiking, climbing and exploring caves. She wanted to go swimming, too, but the freezing cold lake in the middle of the forest scared her off.
 A trip to "Ny-Hellesund", an island with a bunch of cannons and many caves was really interesting, but Sydney mainly was fascinated by the amazing view onto the sea.
All in all a fantastic journey for Sydney Travels. :)

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

10. Blog - A trip to Rome

(31. March - 3. April 2012 - Rome, Italy & Vatican City)

A few days in Italy with yummy ice cream and warm temperatures? Sounds perfect to Sydney! :) She was completely fascinated by the beautiful architecture and the many legends surrounding the city of Rome.But when it came to the "Mouth of Truth" she was pretty scared. An old legend says when someone, who lied, puts his hand in the Mouth it will bite the person's hand off. Luckily Sydney kept both her hands, but she looked very scared... Is she hiding something from me?!? During the "Angels&Demons" Tour, following the book by Dan Brown, Sydney got to take pictures in some of the places mentioned in the book. Can you spot them? ;)

Monday, February 20, 2012

9. Blog - Vienna with Wax Figures

(20. Feburary - Vienna, Austria)

Sydney first big advenure in 2012 was going to Austria's capital - Vienna.
A beautiful city with a lot of culture! Sydney was unstoppable! She visited museums, another Musical this time "Sister Act" and Madame Tussauds. We got so many great pictures of her with famous wax figures, we just had to post a bunch of them! ;)
Nevertheless Vienna was really great and Sydney once more fell in love with a city. :)